Section C.5 Pretext tags
Subsection C.5.1 Character Tags
Punctuation Tags.
Use this tag to “quote something”
I you need ‘Single Quotes’ but don't use these for emphasis.
Left quote all by itself “
A right quote by itself: ” You can get these from the keyboard. ’‘”“
Left Single Quote: ‘
Right Single Quote: ’
An em dash: — Long dash See Usage rules
This is an en dash –, use it for ranges 2010–2020. Usage rules
This is a minus: − in it
- this is the hyphen - straight from the keyboard, used for compound-words. Usage rulesUsage rules
This is a paragraph with a in it. It's invisible.
Nontrivial Characters.
This table from PreTeXt Guide.
To get this: | Type this: | To get this: | Type this |
… | <ellipsis/> |
<fillin/> |
<icon name="gear"/> |
<icon name="wrench"/> |
PrtScn | <kbd>PrtScn</kbd> |
⇧ | <kbd name="shift"/> |
– | <ndash/> |
— | <mdash/> |
® | <registered/> |
© | <copyright/> |
‰ | <permille/> |
¶ | <pilcrow/> |
§ | <section-mark/> |
· | <midpoint/> |
™ | <trademark/> |
⁓ | <swungdash/> |
× | <times/> |
± | <plusminus/> |
⁄ | <solidus/> |
÷ | <obelus/> |
& | & |
< | < |
The <icon>
uses the @name
to select from a number of available icons.
Name | Icon | Name | Icon | Name | Icon |
file-save |
arrow-left |
media-rewind |
arrow-up |
arrow-right |
media-fast-forward |
menu |
arrow-down |
media-skip-to-start |
wrench |
media-stop |
media-pause |
gear |
media-play |
media-skip-to-end |
power |
Keyboard Keys.
If you are writing a software manual, or writing about how to use a calculator as part of a science textbook, then you might want to make it very clear which keys to press on a keyboard. The <kbd>
element can hold content like Z
or Caps Lock
and your output will have a very nice looking keyboard key with the desired label. For example, Z and Caps Lock. For keys labeled with graphics, like the arrow keys, instead of content, provide the @name
attribute with a value from the following table. Request additions to this table if you are using this feature (2019-11-22).
Interestingly these work, though the <kbd>
is not in the schema!
Type this: | To get this: | Type this: | To get this: |
<kbd name="left"/> |
← | <kbd name="right"/> |
→ |
<kbd name="up"/> |
↑ | <kbd name="down"/> |
↓ |
<kbd name="enter"/> |
⮠ | <kbd name="shift"/> |
⇧ |
<kbd name="plus"/> |
+ | <kbd name="minus"/> |
- |
<kbd name="times"/> |
× | <kbd name="obelus"/> |
÷ |
<kbd name="left-paren"/> |
( | <kbd name="right-paren"/> |
) |
<kbd name="solidus"/> |
/ | <kbd name="inverse"/> |
x^-1 |
<kbd name="squared"/> |
x^2 | <kbd>text</kbd> |
text |
Subsection C.5.2 Inline Tags
Paired delimiters.
Subsection C.5.3 Expansions
Type <ad/>
get this: AD
Type <am/>
get this: AM
Type <bc/>
get this: BC
Type <ca/>
get this: ca.
Type <eg/>
get this: e.g.
Type <etal/>
get this: et al.
Type <etc/>
get this: etc.
Type <fillin/>
get this:
Type <ie/>
get this: i.e.
Type <nb/>
get this: NB
Type <pm/>
get this: PM
Type <ps/>
get this: PS
Type <viz/>
get this: viz.
Type <vs/>
get this: vs.
Type <today/>
get this: September 3, 2020
Type <timeofday/>
get this: 16:46:24 (-04:00)
Type <tex/>
get this: TeX
Type <latex/>
get this: LaTeX
Type <pretext/>
get this: PreTeXt
Subsection C.5.4 Short Text Tags
is for abbreviations, like stbd
is for acronyms like loran
is to alert you lorum ipsum
puts angle brackets around 〈things〉
for for article titles “Dewey Defeats Truman”
is for showing tag attributes @href
is for code snippets y=1
yeah, like these: ⟦lorum ipsum⟧
marks deleted text lorum ipsum
for emphasis lorum ipsum
for foreign phrases bête noire
is for initialisms, like FBD
for inserted text lorum ipsum
for for publication titles My Little Pony
for double quotes “lorum ipsum”
for single quotes ‘lorum ipsum’
for outdated text lorum ipsum
when you are talking about pretext tags, for <example>
same for self closed tags <latex/>
for setting of terms, like moment
for hyperlinks lorum ipsum, needs link in a @href
Subsection C.5.5 Music Tags
There is good support for musical notation with these tags and attributes:
This is a paragraph with a ♯ in it.
This is a paragraph with a ♭ in it.
This is a paragraph with a ♮ in it.
This is a paragraph with a 𝄫 in it.
This is a paragraph with a 𝄪 in it.
This is a time signature. \(\begin{smallmatrix}4\\3\end{smallmatrix}\)
The <n>
element is for notes \({}^♯1\)
there is a <scaledeg>
: no idea what it is for \(\hat{1}\)
This is a <chord>
which has many attributes and looks flexible.
There is a <score>
tag, which is slated to be replaced with a general purpose interactive.
Subsection C.5.6 Labeled Paragraphs
Remark C.5.3.
remark surrounded by p .
Definition C.5.4. This is the title.
Warning C.5.5.
this is a warning, with a P in it
Computation C.5.6.
Subsection C.5.7 Special Purpose Tags
for taxonomies can contain <genus>
and <species>
or plain text
Genus Species or lorum ipsum
Subsection C.5.8 Preformatted and Code
Preformatted text
contining a <program>
There is a @language
but it doesn't seem to do syntax highlighting.
const video = document.getElementById('webcam'); const liveView = document.getElementById('liveView'); const demosSection = document.getElementById('demos');
Code Display
The <cd>
is an analog to <md>
, which displays a line of code embedded in a <p>
paragraph. For example, this paragraph contains a line of a program
const demosSection = document.getElementById('demos');
and then some more text.
Subsection C.5.9 List of tags